Timbangan Digital
KK 500 Series
Bila anda membutuhkan timbangan kue, printing, barcode, laundry atau untuk dipakai di supemarket/toko yang murah dan portable, bergaransi 5 tahun,…
FS – AR210
Four Level Anti-Shock Adjustable Function External Calibration Weighing Response time Adjustable 17 Units Available : g, ct, lb, oz, ozt,…
The new line of Shimadzu top-loading balances are engineered with the innovative UniBloc mechanism which brings unrivaled quick response, excellent…
Dual Track
DUALTRACK atau biasa di sebut jembatan timbang semi portable dikatakan demikian karena jembatan timbang ini tidak memerlukan pondasi, sifat dari…
Timbangan Digital Kenko KK-SW Baru saja launching bulan November 2012 adapun tipe dari timbangan digital ini adalah untuk menimbang saja…
Timbang Portable
Kami Menyadiakan Jembatan Timbang Portable yang biasa digunakan oleh dishub, atau dinas perhubungan dan DLLAJ dan dari Kepolisian, untuk jembatan…
Timbangan Laboratorium
High resolution in 1/30,000 & 1/60,000. Easy to see bright LCD with green LED backlight Wind Shield device for a…
FS – AR210
Four Level Anti-Shock Adjustable Function External Calibration Weighing Response time Adjustable 17 Units Available : g, ct, lb, oz, ozt,…
Timbangan Lab TX
Timbangan Laboratorium tipe TX, boleh dikatakan Timbangan Lab Tipe TX adalah produk terbaru dari kami ( Shimadzu ), karena tipe…
KK-500 PS New
150 and 300 lb capacities Battery or AC operated (AC Adapter Included) Tilt and swivel header Check Weigh Function (Low/OK/High)…
Series 320 XB
The best coverage for basic needs. Precision, technology, design of the highest quality: This is the state-of-the-art 320XB Series by…
The new line of Shimadzu top-loading balances are engineered with the innovative UniBloc mechanism which brings unrivaled quick response, excellent…
RW – P Series
Easy to carry portable type Possible to display weight of each wheel or of total wheels Semipermanent structure made from…
AND HL-100
HL - 100 has a 1/10,000 resolutiont HL- 400 / 4000 have 1/4000 resolution Wide angle LCD display, easy to…
Zemic L6F
Aluminium-alloy single point Load Cell. Colorless anodized, Suitable for single & double load cells structured platform scales. Recommended platform size:…
Timbangan Digital Harga KK-30PR Pricing scale, yang bisa menimbang sekaligus menghitung harga total, dengan menggunakan timbangan digital ini anda bisa…