
Timbangan Digital

  • KK 500 Series

    Bila anda membutuhkan timbangan kue, printing, barcode, laundry atau untuk dipakai di supemarket/toko yang murah dan portable, bergaransi 5 tahun,…

  • FS – AR210

    Four Level Anti-Shock Adjustable Function External Calibration Weighing Response time Adjustable 17 Units Available : g, ct, lb, oz, ozt,…


    The new line of Shimadzu top-loading balances are engineered with the innovative UniBloc mechanism which brings unrivaled quick response, excellent…

  • Dual Track

    DUALTRACK atau biasa di sebut jembatan timbang semi portable dikatakan demikian karena jembatan timbang ini tidak memerlukan pondasi, sifat dari…

  • KK-SW

    Timbangan Digital Kenko KK-SW Baru saja launching bulan November 2012 adapun tipe dari timbangan digital ini adalah untuk menimbang saja…

  • Timbang Portable

    Kami Menyadiakan Jembatan Timbang Portable yang biasa digunakan oleh dishub, atau dinas perhubungan dan DLLAJ dan dari Kepolisian, untuk jembatan…

Timbangan Laboratorium


    High resolution in 1/30,000 & 1/60,000. Easy to see bright LCD with green LED backlight Wind Shield device for a…

  • FS – AR210

    Four Level Anti-Shock Adjustable Function External Calibration Weighing Response time Adjustable 17 Units Available : g, ct, lb, oz, ozt,…

  • Timbangan Lab TX

    Timbangan Laboratorium tipe TX, boleh dikatakan Timbangan Lab Tipe TX adalah produk terbaru dari kami ( Shimadzu ), karena tipe…

  • KK-500 PS New

    150 and 300 lb capacities Battery or AC operated (AC Adapter Included) Tilt and swivel header Check Weigh Function (Low/OK/High)…

  • Series 320 XB

    The best coverage for basic needs. Precision, technology, design of the highest quality: This is the state-of-the-art 320XB Series by…


    The new line of Shimadzu top-loading balances are engineered with the innovative UniBloc mechanism which brings unrivaled quick response, excellent…


  • RW – P Series

    Easy to carry portable type Possible to display weight of each wheel or of total wheels Semipermanent structure made from…

  • AND HL-100

    HL - 100 has a 1/10,000 resolutiont HL- 400 / 4000 have 1/4000 resolution Wide angle LCD display, easy to…

  • Zemic L6F

    Aluminium-alloy single point Load Cell. Colorless anodized, Suitable for single & double load cells structured platform scales. Recommended platform size:…


    Timbangan Digital Harga KK-30PR Pricing scale, yang bisa menimbang sekaligus menghitung harga total, dengan menggunakan timbangan digital ini anda bisa…