
Timbangan Digital

  • KK – 500FL

    Timbangan Lantai / Floor Scale KK-500FL , timbangan digital model ini bisa menimbang mencapai bilangan TON, bentuk dari timbangan digital…

  • KK – 300MH

    KK-100M Menggunakan jarum stainless Kapasitas 10/20/30 kg Komunikasi - Material campuran stainless dan baja Desain Angka tulisan dengan front yang…

  • KK – 60WB

    Jembatan Timbang KENKO type KK-60WB ini adalah satu-satunya tipe jembatan timbang yang telah menggunakan loadcell digital sejak tahun 1999 yang…

  • Timbang Portable

    Kami Menyadiakan Jembatan Timbang Portable yang biasa digunakan oleh dishub, atau dinas perhubungan dan DLLAJ dan dari Kepolisian, untuk jembatan…

  • Timbangan Lab

    Jika anda adalah pelaku didunia farmasi, makanan, tambang dll, mungkin anda sudah tidak asing llagi dengan tipe timbangan yang satu…

  • Series 320 XB

    The best coverage for basic needs. Precision, technology, design of the highest quality: This is the state-of-the-art 320XB Series by…

Timbangan Laboratorium


    The new line of Shimadzu top-loading balances are engineered with the innovative UniBloc mechanism which brings unrivaled quick response, excellent…

  • Series 320 XM

    The moisture content of a variety of samples can be measured using an array of drying modes. The drying status…

  • KK-500 PS New

    150 and 300 lb capacities Battery or AC operated (AC Adapter Included) Tilt and swivel header Check Weigh Function (Low/OK/High)…


    AUW models are the newest single-range analytical balances engineered with the UniBloc technology. This provides fast response and superb stability…

  • KK – BL

    High Accuracy Auto Blue Backlight (80hrs continuous use) RS-232 Serial Interface (PC, Printer) Wind Shield Included Overload Alarm Function Auto…

  • FS – A200

    Large LCD display Response time in 2 seconds Support AC-DC Selectable Weighing Units and count mode 10 unit available: g,…


  • SGW – 7000 SS

    Built-in rechargeable battery and external power adapter (included) Stainless steel platform, pillar, indicator, and housing 1" red LED display IP-67…

  • GSC GST-9600

    GSC knows what you are looking for a weighing indicator-Accuracy, Dependability in envirements, up-to-data features for fast and trouble-free use-All…

  • TANITA KD-321

    Easy to Clean Removable platform Cover Weight to fluid conversion for milk and water High Accuracy 0.1g Graduation Geographical Adjustment…


    Timbangan Digital Harga KK-30PR Pricing scale, yang bisa menimbang sekaligus menghitung harga total, dengan menggunakan timbangan digital ini anda bisa…