
Timbangan Digital


    NEW STANDARD OF ANALYTICAL BALANCE This model achieve usability and high accuracy as analytical balance. ATX/ATY series realized superior performance…

  • KK – 30M

    Timbangan Jarum tipe KK-30M sekilas timbangan jarum ini mirip dengan timbangan pada umumnya, namun jika di perhatikan lebih jelas yang…

  • Dual Track

    DUALTRACK atau biasa di sebut jembatan timbang semi portable dikatakan demikian karena jembatan timbang ini tidak memerlukan pondasi, sifat dari…

  • KK-500 PS New

    150 and 300 lb capacities Battery or AC operated (AC Adapter Included) Tilt and swivel header Check Weigh Function (Low/OK/High)…

  • KK-SW

    Timbangan Digital Kenko KK-SW Baru saja launching bulan November 2012 adapun tipe dari timbangan digital ini adalah untuk menimbang saja…


    Timbangan Digital Harga KK-30PR Pricing scale, yang bisa menimbang sekaligus menghitung harga total, dengan menggunakan timbangan digital ini anda bisa…

Timbangan Laboratorium


    The patented UniBloc (OPF) sensor achieves high-performance, compact size, and durability at the same time. Shimadzu introduced this wire-cut block…


    NEW STANDARD OF ANALYTICAL BALANCE This model achieve usability and high accuracy as analytical balance. ATX/ATY series realized superior performance…

  • ES 1220M

    With the 360 ES series balances, Precisa is setting new standards: innovative, high-tech instrumentation which includes the latest technical developments,…

  • KK-500 PS New

    150 and 300 lb capacities Battery or AC operated (AC Adapter Included) Tilt and swivel header Check Weigh Function (Low/OK/High)…


    AUY models are the newest single-range analytical balances engineered with the UniBloc technology. This provides fast response and superb stability…

  • AUY | AUW | AY|AW

    Analytical Balance type AUY, timbangan ini tergolong sebagai timbangan laboratorium karena timbangan ini bisa menimbangan dengan minimum penimbangan mencapai 0.0001…


  • RW – P Series

    Easy to carry portable type Possible to display weight of each wheel or of total wheels Semipermanent structure made from…

  • EK-i / EW-i Series

    For years the EK/EW models have been popular compact balances for a wide variety of applications. Now the new Everest…

  • PR – 15B

    Easy to handle - Highly-legible LED display - Rechargeable battery


    Timbangan Digital Harga KK-30PR Pricing scale, yang bisa menimbang sekaligus menghitung harga total, dengan menggunakan timbangan digital ini anda bisa…