Product Description
GSC knows what you are looking for a weighing indicator-Accuracy, Dependability in envirements, up-to-data features for fast and trouble-free use-All at a REASONABLE PRICE.
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GSC knows what you are looking for a weighing indicator-Accuracy, Dependability in envirements, up-to-data features for fast and trouble-free use-All at a REASONABLE PRICE.
GSC knows what you are looking for a weighing indicator-Accuracy, Dependability in envirements, up-to-data features for fast and trouble-free use-All at a REASONABLE PRICE.
High resolution up to 1/7500 Easy-to-read 1" black LCD display Keyboards with audible feedback Auto zero tracking and taring Three…
Auto calibration Auto zero & auto tare 1/15,000 display resolution Easy-to-read Fluorescent tube display Keyboard with audible feedback Light weight…
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