
Timbangan Digital

  • KK-SW

    Timbangan Digital Kenko KK-SW Baru saja launching bulan November 2012 adapun tipe dari timbangan digital ini adalah untuk menimbang saja…

  • Timbang Portable

    Kami Menyadiakan Jembatan Timbang Portable yang biasa digunakan oleh dishub, atau dinas perhubungan dan DLLAJ dan dari Kepolisian, untuk jembatan…

  • KK – 300H

    KK-300H Timbangan Gantung yang telah dilengkapi dengan casing waterproof yang memungkinkan anda menggunakan timbangan ini baik di Indoor maupun di…

  • KK – 15W

    Type : KK-15W Description : Jika anda membutuhkan timbangan yang mempunyai fungsi sederhana yakni timbang saja maka tipe KK-15W cocok…


    High resolution in 1/30,000 & 1/60,000. Easy to see bright LCD with green LED backlight Wind Shield device for a…

  • FS – A200

    Large LCD display Response time in 2 seconds Support AC-DC Selectable Weighing Units and count mode 10 unit available: g,…

Timbangan Laboratorium

  • UX / UW

    Timbangan Laboratorium tipe UX/UW Secara spesifikasi timbangan Laboratorium ini hampir sama dengan tipe diatas, yang membedakan timbangan emas ini dengan…

  • ES 1220M

    With the 360 ES series balances, Precisa is setting new standards: innovative, high-tech instrumentation which includes the latest technical developments,…


    The new line of Shimadzu top-loading balances are engineered with the innovative UniBloc mechanism which brings unrivaled quick response, excellent…


    AUY models are the newest single-range analytical balances engineered with the UniBloc technology. This provides fast response and superb stability…

  • Series 320 XM

    The moisture content of a variety of samples can be measured using an array of drying modes. The drying status…

  • KK – BL

    High Accuracy Auto Blue Backlight (80hrs continuous use) RS-232 Serial Interface (PC, Printer) Wind Shield Included Overload Alarm Function Auto…


  • GSC GST-9602

    The GST-9602 are high performance weighing indicators that offer memory for 100 setpoint sets. The 100 codes. memory information blocks…

  • SPJ 303

    Calibration Mass and Gem Scoop included Draftshield included AC power pack included (batteries not included) Weigh below hook and security…

  • AVERY E1005

    Digital weight indicator, suitable for all simple industrial weighing applications * Incorporates weighing, counting, checkweighing, recipe/batching (single recipe), totalising, peak…


    Timbangan Digital Harga KK-30PR Pricing scale, yang bisa menimbang sekaligus menghitung harga total, dengan menggunakan timbangan digital ini anda bisa…