
Timbangan Digital

  • Series 320 XB

    The best coverage for basic needs. Precision, technology, design of the highest quality: This is the state-of-the-art 320XB Series by…

  • FS – A200

    Large LCD display Response time in 2 seconds Support AC-DC Selectable Weighing Units and count mode 10 unit available: g,…

  • KK – 30M

    Timbangan Jarum tipe KK-30M sekilas timbangan jarum ini mirip dengan timbangan pada umumnya, namun jika di perhatikan lebih jelas yang…

  • KK – 500FL

    Timbangan Lantai / Floor Scale KK-500FL , timbangan digital model ini bisa menimbang mencapai bilangan TON, bentuk dari timbangan digital…

  • Timbangan Lab

    Jika anda adalah pelaku didunia farmasi, makanan, tambang dll, mungkin anda sudah tidak asing llagi dengan tipe timbangan yang satu…

  • KK – LAB

    Tampilan VFD digunakan untuk menampilkan tara, berat badan, Harga Satuan dan Jumlah Harga. Tampilan alfanumerik digunakan untuk semua menu program,…

Timbangan Laboratorium


    AUW models are the newest single-range analytical balances engineered with the UniBloc technology. This provides fast response and superb stability…


    The new line of Shimadzu top-loading balances are engineered with the innovative UniBloc mechanism which brings unrivaled quick response, excellent…

  • FS – A200

    Large LCD display Response time in 2 seconds Support AC-DC Selectable Weighing Units and count mode 10 unit available: g,…

  • FS – AR210

    Four Level Anti-Shock Adjustable Function External Calibration Weighing Response time Adjustable 17 Units Available : g, ct, lb, oz, ozt,…


    The patented UniBloc (OPF) sensor achieves high-performance, compact size, and durability at the same time. Shimadzu introduced this wire-cut block…

  • Series 320 XM

    The moisture content of a variety of samples can be measured using an array of drying modes. The drying status…



    250 Truck IDs (Products) Preset Tare and accumulation data on each Truck ID Single and two pass weighing Alpha-numeric Truck…

  • TANITA KD-321

    Easy to Clean Removable platform Cover Weight to fluid conversion for milk and water High Accuracy 0.1g Graduation Geographical Adjustment…

  • HCB 1002 Highland

    Highland balances have what it takes for basic lab work, field use and various industrial applications. [button href="/brochure/ds-880_brochure.pdf" icon_size="12" animation_delay="0"…


    Timbangan Digital Harga KK-30PR Pricing scale, yang bisa menimbang sekaligus menghitung harga total, dengan menggunakan timbangan digital ini anda bisa…